Conservation is a process that follows the rhythms of nature over multiple generations of ecosystems. In the same way, young people today will be the decision makers and seekers of tomorrow. In this spirit, Bear Trust's key mission is to provide education material and inspiration, constructed with our partners scientists and researchers, to schoolteachers and students.
This Student Scientist Series educates children from kindergarten to twelfth grade on habitat recovery, wildlife management, and conservation theory, allowing them to work with accurate and up-to-date simulations of bear, sheep, elk and other population dynamics. We encourage students to deepen their understanding of human-animal coexistence and appreciate environmental sustainability. We equip them with a knowledge of
conservation that is otherwise out of reach for many. Above all, we encourage a future generation to be inquisitive and in awe of nature.
Follow the education links below to learn more, whether teacher or student, or inquirer of any age.