Bear Trust strives to be a thought leader in the conservation world, drawing on felt values of hunting and public land rights and deepening the discourse on ecosystem interaction. In a changing global natureculture, new answers to old questions are a necessity, and we are always welcoming our members and friends to the problem-solving endeavor of future land and wildlife management.
The New Value of the Grizzly: Conversations on a Coexistent Future
In Volume Three of the esteemed print magazine Modern Huntsman, Jack Evans dives behind the divisive rhetoric of the Grizzly bear delisting process to understand what future is best for Western American bears. Questioning the pro- and anti-hunting perspectives, four experienced conservationists of diverse working backgrounds are interviewed in a deep commentary on coexistence and wildlife management values.

Hunting and the Animal Embrace
In the April, 2019 issue of the Boone and Crockett Club's Fair Chase magazine, Jack Evans reflects on the moral, ethical and spiritual dilemmas presented by hunting, seeking an understanding of its place and relevance in our modern world and our coexistence with other species.

Into the Wilderness Episode 113
Bear Trust, Logan Young & Jack Evans on bear conservation
The Pace Brothers, producers of the UK's largest conservation podcast sat down with the Executive Director of the Bear Trust, Logan Young, and the Trust’s Director of Publications, Jack Evans. In an insightful discussion, weaving the debate between ecosystem management and species conservation, this show sheds light on a lot of the recent debate regarding bear conservation.

Call For Art
An open-source call for original submissions to our coming print journal
In 2020, Bear Trust International is beginning the development of a definitive print publication on the human-animal relationship through the ages. With our encounters with bear kin as a starting point, we hope to explore the existential purpose of our interest and efforts in conservation. In this endeavor, we welcome contributors from all walks of life and of all opinion. View our announcement poster to learn more!

A Connection with Bears
Jack Evans introduces the thoughtlines of Bear Trust's ethic and vision in the iconic outdoor journal Sports Afield. Though Bear Trust is not a hunting advocacy group, we support the fair chase hunting for its personal education value. Hunting can be an importance practice in understanding and cultivating our relationship with bears--this article is a great place to start to learn more.

Eternity Safari
Jack Evans writes from a three-week hunting immersion into the Yukon Territory, traveling with Bear Trust Executive Director Logan Young and encountering the inspirations and contradictions of the hunt. This is a story about what bears and other great animals can teach us through the close contact of the hunting path.