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People have lived alongside bears for thousands of years, and in every corner of the globe! Today, eight species roam in wildernesses ranging from North America's forests to Southeast Asia's tropical island jungles to the very roof of the world---the high Himalayas. Explore our cards on each bear species below, and get to know the diversity of an animal family that hunts, swims, forages, climbs and socializes in so many different forms.
Welcome to our the BEAR BASICS space! Here, you can discover the eight species of bear roaming this planet. Each bear lives a unique and fascinating life, in very different habitats. Yet, all of them belong to the same species. Click on each bear card to learn about them.
American Black Bear
The American black bear, whose population had been largely reduced by overhunting, habitat loss, and fragmentation in the past century, has made an impressive comeback in parts of North America. If you live in the eastern United States, you might want to keep an eye on your backyard for some surprising summer visitors!

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